Involvement in extracurricular activities is highly recommended for all students to participate in! Students benefit by developing social skills, widening interests and perspectives, time management skills, and building self-confidence!
There are MANY opportunities to get involved, including:
- 5th & 6th Grade Musical Theatre
- 7th & 8th Grade Musical Theatre
- Youth In Government (YIG)
- LEGO League Robotics
- Math Camp
- Coding Club
- YANA (You Are Not Alone)
- Builders Club (Community Service Organization)
- Student Council
- Running Club
- Yearbook
- Art Club
- PALS (Police Athletic League)
(In partnership with the Fridley Police Department)
Fridley Middle School 7th and 8th grade students are eligible to participate in specific 7-12 Fridley High School activities. Click here to visit the FHS Activities and Athletics page.
Justin Reese
Director of Activities and Athletics
Sue Hanson
Activities Assistant